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Shoulder + Neck Clinic with Manzi & Natalia Saturday, November 30, 5:00-8:00pm

Bring stability and a sense of release to the shoulder girdle and neck. Learn healing touch techniques and come home with a booklet to keep knowledge alive and active.

Come solo and we assign a partner or bring a friend, partner, or parent and join us for 1 hour of yoga, and 1.5 hours of juicy Thai Massage and Acupressure.

Teachers: Natalia Rudovsky is a Registered Nurse for 20 years and a yoga teacher for 15. She builds creative, intelligent and nourishing sequences rooted in the traditional practice.

Allison Manzanita is a Certified Massage Therapist since 2009 with focus on deep tissue and acupressure. She knows that touch heals and wants to share her knowledge so more people are healthy and happy in this one precious life!

Pre-registration: $70
Pricing after November 14th: $80

No Refunds

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Yoga Nidra + Sound Bowl Journey with Todd Saturday, December 7, 7:00-8:30pm

Finish your year by joining us for a Yoga Nidra and Sound Bowl journey. After gentle stretching, Todd will guide you through a sound bowl journey followed by yoga nidra.

The intention for the journey will be the 4th Yama, Brahmacharya, non-excess. As we enter the final part of the year, we often become overly busy and feel obligated to do what we normally wouldn’t.
To quote Thich Nhat Hanh, “Most of us have been running all our lives. Practice stopping.”

Yoga Nidra, often referred to as "yogic sleep," is a state of conscious relaxation that guides you into a state between wakefulness and sleep. Both Yoga Nidra and the sound bowl journey are used to promote physical, mental, and emotional relaxation, and healing. It can also be used to set intentions.

If you tend to practice more yang-focused yoga (ie Vinyasa or Bikram), Yoga Nidra and sound bowls are a great way to bring more yin into your life.

Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. Be sure to bring a water bottle and a journal.

This workshop will be held in The Loft. Early bird pricing $40, after 11/29, $45.

No Refunds.

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